A community website with news and information
for the village of Wing in Buckinghamshire

Lockharts Farm Waste Recycling Facility

Wing Parish Council has been notified of the following:-



  1. CM/0066/20 Lockharts Farm Waste Recycling Facility, Wing Road, Cublington, LU7 0LB

Planning Application made under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition 1 (Plans), Condition 2 (Operating Hours) and Condition 3 (Lorry Movements) of planning permission 08/20007/AWD at Lockharts Farm Recycling Facility, Wing Road, Cublington, LU6 0LB.

2. CM/0018/21 Lockharts Farm Waste Recycling Facility, Wing Road, Cublington, LU7 0LB

Planning Application made under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition 1 (Plans), Condition 2 (Operating Hours) and Condition 3 (Lorry Movements) of planning permission 08/20007/AWD at Lockharts Farm Recycling Facility, Wing Road, Cublington, LU6 0LB.


The above applications will be considered by the North Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee at its meeting on 15th December 2021 Starting at 2.30pm at The Oculus at The Gateway, Gatehouse road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF


The meeting will also be webcast and the Agenda and the officer’s reports are available on the Buckinghamshire Council website at least 5 days prior to the meeting by following this link.

Buckinghamshire Council allow the following to address the Planning Committee

  • Parish/Town Council(s)
  • Objector(s)
  • Supporter(s)
  • Agent/Applicant
  • Councillor/Local Member(s)

If you would like to address the Planning Committee meeting, please read the notes below carefully as it sets out the procedure you need to follow, it is up to you to tell Buckinghamshire Council if you want to speak.

Please register between 12 noon Thursday (the week before the Committee Meeting) and 10.00am on the Monday Prior to the meeting date.

Please log-in to www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/request-speak-meeting; between these times to register. If you try to log-in before or after the period given above, the form will not be available, and Buckinghamshire Council will not be able to accept your registration.

Please email devcontrol.av@buckinghamshire.gov.uk ASAP if you have any problems with registration or have other queries regarding the meeting that cannot be answered in the information below.

If you would like to observe the meeting you can view the webcast at: https://buckinghamshire.public-i.tv/core/portal/home Due to current government guidance, numbers attending the meeting at The Oculus are restricted and priority will be given to those people who are unable to access the webcast.  If you would like to attend the meeting as an observer, please contact Harry Thomas at Harry.Thomas@buckinghamshire.gov.uk by 10.00am on the Tuesday prior to the meeting date.

J Furniss

Deputy Clerk

Wing Parish Council                                                                                                  8th December 2021

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