MESSAGE FROM: Long Spinney volunteer team
As usual, the working parties will be on the first Wednesday of the month and the following Sunday.
So for November that will be Wednesday 6th & Sunday 10th ( 1 pm till 4 pm ).
The Woodland Trust has confirmed that the 630 trees we have ordered for the November planting will be here by mid-November and we are extremely fortunate that the Bucks Young Farmers have volunteered to plant these for us in a new copse (which they recently cleared in preparation for the planting).
This leaves the Long Spinney volunteers to:-
- Bring small fallen branches and trees to the chipping area ready for chipping.
- Clear the paths in Bewick Green of any vegetation starting to grow through the gravel
- Clear leaves from the boardwalks in Bewick Green so they aren’t slippery and we will also do this on the bridges in Long Spinney.
- If we have sufficient volunteers, we would also like to build a few extra steps on the steeper paths in Long Spinney.
As you see, there is a lot of work to be done and we would be grateful for any time you can spare.
Many thanks
The Long Spinney Team
- Long Spinney is maintained entirely by a VERY small group of volunteers and extra help is always needed, so please join our team when you can – even if it is just for an hour or so!
- If you don’t already “follow” and “like” the Long Spinney Facebook page, then please do!