AVDC Planning Enforcement standby Easter Weekend 2019
Wing Speedwatch Group
Wing Parish Council share the MVAS and Sentinel with other local Parish Councils.
Please see attached details of the recent Speedwatch report in Wing and explanations of the MVAS Moveable Vehicle Activated Sign and the Sentinel.
The SENTINEL device is shared between the 12 parishes
It is available to Wing once every 12 weeks for one week.
It needs a team of people to supervise as it stands on a tripod and is easily mobile.
Wing Parish Council are always looking for volunteers to help the Speedwatch Group.
If you can help please contact Wing Parish Clerk on 07415 296 793 or email: wingparishclerk@gmail.com
MVAS Reports for July and August 2018
MVAS Moveable Vehicle Activated Signs – Buckinghamshire County Council
The leaflet below will be distributed to all households by the end of the week thanks to the volunteers of the Wing Village Healthy or Need Help group. The initiative has many volunteers working very hard behind the scenes to ensure people who are vulnerable or self isolating are not going without essential food or medicine, they are also there for a friendly chat to ensure no one is left feeling isolated or alone.
The Parish Council fully supports the community group and would like to encourage more people to get in touch to help volunteering.
The new support line, 01296 200 365, is there for people to get in touch if they need help or wish to volunteer.