The Parish of Wing falls within the local authority of Aylesbury Vale District Council.
In the 2011 census, there were 2,745 people living in the parish in 1,100 households, of which 64.3% were working age adults, 18.1% were under the age of 16, and 17.6% were over 65 years.
Compared with the rest of England, surveys show that people living in the Aylesbury Vale district are more content than in the rest of the country.
As many as 87% of respondents said they were “satisfied with the local area as a place to live”, compared with the national average of 79%, and 66% said they felt “I belong to the neighbourhood”, compared with an average of 58% elsewhere in England. Place Survey 2008
In Wing, more people tend to be in employment (74.6% vs 69.9%) and are generally better off than elsewhere in England, with weekly household earnings a third higher after housing costs. The largest employment sector is Retail (15%), followed by Education (11%) and Health and Social Work 10%). Census 2011
Almost three-quarters of households own their own home (73.5%) in an area where house prices as a percentage of income are below the average for England as a whole, and 31.8% of dwellings generally fall within Council Tax band C, compared with 11.3% in band B and 2.5% in band A. Census 2011, Land Registry 2009, Valuation Office Agency 2011
And if you add other factors, such as less poverty, a lower crime rate, and better pupil attainment at key stage 1 and 2, you can see – thanks to the efforts of the entire community – that Wing continues to be a great place to live.