A community website with news and information
for the village of Wing in Buckinghamshire

Wing Village Playgrounds Reopening Update

How coronavirus is affecting play areas

Wing Parish Council were planning to open our play areas to the public on Saturday 4 July, but the government has now issued further guidance (as below) which we need to review and act on before making a decision as to whether or not they can yet re-open safely.

Owners/operators must ensure playground and/or exercise equipment is safe to use and that risks from damaged or defective equipment are addressed before opening.

Owners/operators responsible for playgrounds or outdoor gyms must assess and manage the risk of potential COVID-19 transmission. 

Covid risk assessments have been carried out but Council awaits playground inspection certificates for the playground equipment at Meadow Way and Woodlands Trim Trail.

It is hoped to reopen Jubilee Green playground(s) as soon as possible after the 4th July.

In the meantime, children and parents must not interfere with closure measures where a playground remains closed.

Do not endanger yourself by breaching closure measures.

Please wait until the playground has been opened properly.  We will release opening dates for the playgrounds as soon as we have completed all the required assessments.

Thank you

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