A community website with news and information
for the village of Wing in Buckinghamshire

What We Do

Working to protect our heritage, the green environment, and safety of all

Wing Parish Council is the first tier of government for the Parish of Wing.

The Council is a statutory body and has wide-ranging powers and interests.

It is also the Custodian Trustee and manager for the Recreation Ground and owns Jubilee Green.

Our Vision

To ensure Wing Parish maintains its rural identity. We value its heritage and green environment, and the safety of Parishioners of all ages. We want people to be proud to live in Wing and to actively seek out and support local organisations and clubs.

Your elected representatives

The Council has 11 councillors and employs a clerk and a deputy clerk who carry out administration and financial duties.

Public meetings

Wing Parish Council usually meets in public on the last Tuesday of every month in Wing Small Hall, starting at 20:00. Everyone welcome.

More about meetings

Our responsibilities
  • Street lighting
  • Grass cutting on Jubilee Green and Recreation Ground
  • Long Spinney
  • Play areas
  • War memorial
  • Bus shelters
  • Rights of way
  • Community safety

The Parish Council is also responsible for, or involved in, the following groups and activities:

Community grants

Local groups can apply for a Parish Council Community Grant, as part of an award of money made each year. Grants are awarded throughout the year until the dedicated grant budget has been used.

Small Grants Policy
Small Grant Application Form – 2023-24

Good Neighbours’ Scheme

For anyone who needs help to access services, make friends and join clubs and organisations — ensuring residents are happy, not lonely, and well looked after. The Good Neighbours Scheme’ Directory lists all groups and organisations in the village. All the information is on this website and there are hard copies available in the library and the church. Good Neighbours Scheme Directory

Recreation Ground

The Parish Council is trustee of the Rec, an open space to the east of the village used for sports and leisure activities, and the home of Wing football, tennis and bowls clubs. Dogs may be let off the lead, but owners must keep them under control and pick up any fouling. The Rec is available for private events, free of charge.

More info about private events

Jubilee Green

A small parkland area owned by the Parish Council in the centre of the village, with a young children’s play area and a basketball hoop for older children, as well as an open space for residents to enjoy. Dogs must be kept on a lead and owners must pick up any fouling. Available for private events, free of charge.

More info about private events 


Keeping our village clean and tidy and presentable, from prevention of dog fouling, litter and fly-tipping, to landscaping, and maintaining planters and flowers.


Parish Councils have no planning powers but we do comment on applications to reflect the views of residents, and the strategy agreed in Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Plan

Endorsed in a referendum by Wing voters in 2015, the Neighbourhood Plan stands beside the AVDC strategic plan. It allows the Parish to say where future housing will be located and what it looks like, and to work with developers about the extras they can provide.

Wing Neighbourhood Plan website


These are local laws governing how we use our open spaces. Currently under review by central Government, we will publish them on the website once approved.


Wing Speedwatch Group is open to members of the public who wish to be involved. We share two Moveable Vehicle Activated Signs (MVAS) with Wingrave and Mentmore. These display the speed limit and the message ‘Slow Down’ when vehicles exceed the limit, and log the number of vehicles passing and their speed. We also have access to a Sentinel video speed camera, which is shared between 12 parishes. It needs a team of people to supervise as it stands on a tripod and cannot be left unattended.

Wing & Burcott in Bloom

All gardens are automatically entered in two categories – Best Front Garden and Best Hanging Baskets –with certificates and gardening vouchers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Judged one evening in late-June, early July.

Details of Wing & Burcott In Bloom

For further information about Wing Parish Council email the Clerk via the contact form.